Saturday 5 October 2013

Teen Breakouts.

Hello Everyone,

Lately, I have been breaking out a lot more than usual. I have gone through puberty around 2/3 years ago but my body is still young and my skin hasn't exactly completed it's job. Here are some reasons and tips for teenage breakouts (or any breakouts in general).

First of all, breakouts happen to everyone. Some get it earlier, some get it later. Some people don't get bad breakouts, others do; it's all a part of our life and a part of growing up. No matter how insecure you are about your skin, you should always remember that there are other people who are/were/will be in the same position as you so you can't let your breakout rule over you.There are however some ways to treat your skin to make sure that your breakouts aren't too bad. But first, what causes breakouts?

-I think this is the most obvious one so I'll just go straight in... Hormonal changes! They are a big part of everyone's lives and every teenager goes through it. We all go through puberty in our teenage years and there's nothing we can do about it.Many girls get breakouts right before their period starts and during their period. 
-Even thought there isn't exact evidence but Stress is known to cause breakouts. Over-time people notice that their skin breaks out more when there is an important event coming up or if something bad is happening to the person.
-Another reason is Pressure. This includes things like tight clothes, humidity and touching your skin with your hands. Obviously, you cant really control the weather (England gets humid a lot!). But you can control the clothes you are wearing and your movement.
-Oils! This relates to what I have wrote a second ago. Touching your face makes your breakouts appear, oil from hair is also a bad agent, make-up and man-made oils aren't good for you either.
-Experts say that food and exercise doesn't really worsen your chance of braking out but it's always better to keep healthy and fit. Your skin will appreciate it.

So now you know the basic parts that cause your breakout to appear in the first place.. But what should you do to get rid of it? 
-I feel like this is the most helpful tip; Give yourself a cleansing routine. What this means is that you shouldn't sit around and be hopeful because that's not going to help. You should wash your face at least twice a day to make sure that it is squeaky clean. Giving your face a little treatment a few times a day never hurts. Try using a gentle cleanser to make sure you get rid of all of the bacteria and oil on your face.
-The next thing that I recommend you using is Witch Hazel. You all know that I love Witch Hazel.. The best one is the '100% Pure Organic Witch Hazel Floral Water'; this is the one with no added ingredients so it is natural which is always a bonus. It slightly dries out your skin but it works amazing. It has also many other great uses which you can check out on various sites throughout the internet.
-Try giving your face a break by Not putting make-up on! I know this might seem like a really scary concept but your skin will appreciate it; you can keep your eye make-up on but try loosing the foundation, powder, blush, concealer, bronzer etc. Just like us, your skin needs to breath from time to time.
-I think that Face masks really help to cleanse your skin. They don't cost a lot at all and they are really easy to find. So, once a month try giving yourself a little pamper evening to let go of everything and just relax!
-Continuing with the last point, Don't over-think! Human beings are very curious and worried creatures, but if you want your skin to be happy.. You should be happy as well. I know it's hard to forget about things sometimes and stress just over-takes but try cleansing your mind off of the bad stuff and focus on the good. Go out with friend! Explore! Be happy!
-I know everyone has their own style but try Getting a haircut that doesn't touch your face! If hair is always on your face (for example of you have bangs) it leaves a lot of oil which causes breakouts. People with bangs usually find their foreheads being the most problematic. So if you do have bangs.. Grow them out!
-Whatever is your need Try avoiding touching your face throughout the day! Our hands are full of bacteria's and oil's which our face doesn't like and it really doesn't help. So avoid touching your face.
-Use special skin products that are either 'dermatologist recommended' or 'non-comedogenic' or both! These help you a lot and don't have as many chemicals as some other products so they help a lot!
-Use light moisturisers and use a moisturiser that contains  benzoyl peroxide whenever you feel a breakout coming your way to try and stop the pimple from showing up before hand. (if you use a cleanser, try one with benzol peroxide as well)
-If you have a problem with blackheads than you can use a product that contains salicylic acid to get rid of them.
-At night, put some toothpaste on your spots; this dries out the spot area and neutralises your spot. 

Deal with it! Everyone goes through breakouts and stressing about it is just going to make it a whole lot worse so you just need to forget about it and get on with your life. Don't pick at your face thinking that squeezing is going to help; it won't. In fact it will just make it worse. So just live a happy life without caring about how your face looks like. Day by day; it is going to get better! Take note that all skin-types are different and they all have different needs so what works for your best friend might make your skin worse! If you have no luck with any products and tips try speaking to your healthcare provider for special prescriptions.When it gets really bad and you don't know what to do any more, visit a dermatologist. There is nothing you will be able to do if the breakouts are constant and uncontrollable. You can avoid permanent scarring and infections by visiting a specialist and following his advice.

Hope it helped.. Love, Anna.xo

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