Sunday 7 April 2013

Welcome Beauty&Shopping Addicts!

Hello Guys!

It's Anna here! For those of you who don't know, I live in London and I'm still a student. I've got a little, 5 year old brother, Victor, who I love but I must admit that he annoys me sometimes hehee. I love shopping, make-up and beauty. I just started my youtube channel which you can find HERE. Please check it out if you haven't already. I will be posting a lot of videos on this blog and hope that you guys find it helpful and fun to watch.
This is the latest picture of my little brother that I took.

On my blog, I am planning to put some extra things from my everyday life, some video summaries and just some extras that I don't feel like making a video about or just rather write about it than talk. You are more than welcome to give me ideas on what I should post/vlog about. I'd be really happy if you shared this blog for other people to see. I am still not really advanced in all this yet but I hope that some of you'd want to join me on my journey and be with me from day 1 <  that sounded sooo cheesy :P .

My twitter is HERE. If you do not have a youtube account you can always tweet me and tell me/ask me things there. I'll try to answer all of your tweets and comment and messeges and whatever else. If you want to e-mail me personally, you can send your email to: Please tell me your honest opinions about what I do and tell me how I can improve. Don't be shy to contact me guys.
This is the latest picture of me, I have no make-up
on this picture, which I hate. But it was the only
newer picture of me. I'm sorry for looking like this.

Right now I am in Poland and I'm staying here till the 12th of April, so I can't promise to blog everyday (but I'll try). Also, I can't post youtube videos on my youtube account till I come back to london but I'm making vlogs which I'll add when I get back, for all of you guys to see my little easter holiday. I'm proud to say that I've managed to do a video every single day, but I might not post all of them since in some of them I look horrific! You won't really see any big Polish monuments, since I'm staying at my grandma's who lives in the country side. I am going to the capital of Poland for two days but I'll be really busy so I can't promise to make vlogs there since I'll be spending precious time with my family. Well, we'll see how it goes. I hope you enjoy this blog.
This is just a picture of my grandma's decorations
and flowers. I thought it would be good to
represent easter, holidays and spring.
(All of the above pictures were taken here, now in Poland so they are as recent as can be hahaa!)
Love, Anna.

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