Monday 8 April 2013

I'm Going To Warsaw Today!

Heey Guys!

So, today I woke up really early to get some thing packed, get dressed and ready. I'm finally done and still have some time to do a little post.
This is me today, you can check out the dress in my
primark haul on youtube.

TodayI am going to Warsaw for 2 days, with my brother and my mum. I am really excited because I'll be able to see my family, who I havent seen for years. I always have soo much fun in Warsaw and can't wait to go back to the city as I'm used to being in big city areas and lately I've been in the countryside. Unfortunately, I don't know if I'll be able to vlog much in Warsaw as I'm going to be super busy and already have lots of plans. We're only going there for 2 days so I need to make the most of it, right?

When I get back to the countryside on wednesday afternoon, I'm going to have to spend the next day packing and on friday I'm going to come back to London. I'm going to spend one day of the weekend with my friends and sunday doing school work.
And this is my little brother's work that
he did all by himself on paint. It's a
scarecrow by the way.