Thursday 22 December 2016

I've Changed and I'm Sorry!

Dear all,

I am sorry. I am not the greatest person to be trusted with the time to write blog posts and take part in other social media platforms frequently. From a busy social life, to an even busier education. It's not a great time to trust me and write blog posts.

So, I am not going to make any promises, but I will be writing some more stuff on here - I say stuff as I don't really know what to call it and an online diary doesn't really cut it for me either.

As you know I started this a long time ago, and people change: people grow, and so I am slightly done with "Beauty Addict Anna" and want to start again as just another Anna. This does not mean I have given up for my love of all things makeup and skincare - HELL NO! However, I want to use this blog as a platform not only to help you with your beauty issues but to help with more lifestyle problems as well.

I am in the process of picking a university to put as my firm choice and getting a driving licence. I want to happily share all of these things with you. However, due to the name of the blog (which I believe I cannot change), I feel slightly restricted. I didn't want to leave this community though and so I am biting the bullet and posting anything and everything on here.

This isn't a complete end to "Beauty Addict Anna" but a semi beginning to a more life experienced Anna and I hope you all stick around,

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