Monday 17 November 2014

We need to talk...


I am aware of the fact that I haven't posted a video in a few weeks.. Damn, I need to get my shibbles together! But one thing I wanted to do is reassure you that I didn't actually 'stop'. 

So a few weeks ago, I had some trouble with thinking about a video idea, after finding a new tag, I thought of a few video ideas for the upcoming weeks. Sadly, I just couldn't seem to film them as it didn't feel 'me'. I decided that I wanted to take a small break to see where my videos were going to lead to next and to think about what I want to deliver to all of you as I want it to be enjoyable for you but I also want to look back at them and be proud of what I have produced. Lately, even in my everyday life, I haven't felt like myself because outside of youtube, I have a life which is great but at times everything can lead up to a moment where you don't want to show your true self in case others are going to judge you for it or that you would look weak. Everytime before a video, I had to put up a fake smile and pretend everything was perfect whilst knowing that the second that the camera stopped rolling, everything will go back to normal. I am not willing to talk about my personal life online because I'd feel like I'm begging for mercy, plus it's something that is personal and involves me and others around me who might also not appriaciate me telling everyone what is going on. As I saw that my videos seemed fake throughout time and my sense of humour lowered and I saw that things weren't as happy and 'right' in the newer videos than in the older ones, I decided that I deserved a time-out. I needed to take a pause from everything because I realised that I'm doing too much at a time. I'm a VERY tiny youtuber which seems like it would be really easy for me and it is actually quite easy, all I have to do is dedicate a day per week for filming and editing and a night for uploading, not the hardest job in the world. However, that, keeping my grades up, revising for mocks, doing coursework, keeping my family 'under control', keeping up with doctors appointmens, hospitals and my overall health is quite challenging. 

Lately, everything seems to be going up-hill; my family seems happier, I'm taking medicine and arranging appointments, I'm up to date with most of my coursework, I've had several talks with GPs and psychologists which made me feel at ease and I stopped stressing about every little thing as much. This is all great and I want to thank anyone who took an active part in making me feel better.

So, where does this lead to now? In December, I am approaching more mock exams and coursework deadlines so I have some hard work to do till then. It's also my birthday on the 2nd, on the day I have an English exam... Great(!). After that, Christmas will be coming and I can't wait to feel the Christmas spirit agin. I am thinking of vlogging some of it and making a short Christmas video but I'm still not 100% sure whether that's a good idea given the family circumstances at the moment. If I do, I will put it on YouTube so you might get a video then, but if not then you'll have to wait till 2015. Later, it's New Years, which is a both exciting and sad time of the year for me as it makes me reflect on the whole year, all the positives and all the negatives. 

After the new year though, I am planning to start my weekly videos again, hopefully as myself but who knows what could change until then. I can't wait to see what another year of my YouTube will bring. Until then, I will not upload as I'll try to sort out everything else that's going on in my life. I hope you all understand my choices and respect my decisions. I do apologise for any problems this might cause but I promise to get back to it with a positive attitude.

I love you all,

Monday 22 September 2014

Meeting Alfie Deyes and getting my Pointless Book signed!


As many of you know, Alfie (PointlessBlog) has done a signing in London on Saturday. I was lucky enough to be able to attend and explore the whole thing! It was a very exciting experience for me as I've been watching him for three years and he meant a lot to me as I've seen him progress in his career. Here's a bit more about the day!

I was rearing to go as it was my first ever time that I was going to go to a book signing and meet a YouTuber. As I live 30 mins away from the venue, I decided to set my alarm to 7am (the meetup was meant to start at 12). I got dressed and ready and was out the door by 8. My nerves id get the better of me though and I got a massive belly-ache before going so I only ate a few chocolate fingers (bad idea).

When I arrived there, there was already quite a few people there, none-the-less, I was still super proud of myself for being there that early and being brave enough to attend by myself. I sat in the line next to two very nice girls and made quite good friends with them, we spoke the whole day talking. After arounf half-an-hour, the men at the venue told us to get up and sent us over to another hall where we got wristbands and got into groups of 50 (I got put into group 6 with the other two lovely ladies). We spent a long time chatting and doing different challenges from The Pointless Book. We also sneaked in a little trip to a burger company and got some fries.

At around 2pm, Alfie came out on stage and did a mini Q&A which was very exciting as I wasn't able to see him up close, apart from a few times when he'd show himself through a little window at the top and even gave us a sneaky preview of his nipple (TMI there?). He spent some time on stage which lowered my nerves slightly as I was more prepared to be put in a room with him.

However, when it was finally our turn (and 8hours of waiting has gone past), I was totally terrified and my anxiety was kicking in! I remember standing in the line and talking to the two girls and completely freaking out! What was I going to say? How was I going to act? Is it okay to cry? I felt my legs wobble as I made my way up the stairs. When I finally got there it seemed like everything went so fast and it literally just flew by. When Alfie spoke to me, I could hardly speak but I managed to mutter a few words under my breath. I also managed not to cry, although I did feel tears building up. When I got out of the room I wanted to cry even more but decided to keep it in until I got home (where I literally cried for 4 hours straight).

Yes, I'm an obsessive fan girl but I just felt so privileged and felt like I was a part of something. Being able to support someone is the best feeling in the world and seeing him happy, makes me happy. I know this is cliché but he genuinely changed my life and made me see things differently. I feel like I belong in this whole YouTube community, both as a YouTuber... But most importantly a supporter!

Did any of you ever go through massive fangirl moments? Tell me below!  

Monday 14 July 2014

How to keep your skin looking top tip during those dreadful teenage years?


So, we all know how hard it is to keep clear skin, especially during the teenage years... Oh those hormones :( However, there are some tips and tricks that I use to try to leave my skin looking as nice as possible;

1. It's so important to wash your face twice a day, morning and evening.. This is so that any sweat glands get away (especially in the summer season) and that nothing can clog up your ghastly pores! If you exercise a lot during your day (something I should do a lot more of), then feel free to wash your face more than twice (and tell me how you cope with exercise), however, avoid over-washing your face as that can lead to you stripping all the oils off your face (that might seem like a good thing for now, but you'll thank me later). You don't want to strip your face of its natural oils as it will result in your face wanting to produce more of those oils, therefore causing oilier, more acne-prone skin.

2. Keep it SIMPLE! <-- see what I did there (argh, cheesy). But seriously, it might seem like all those fun-sounding, long, hard-to-read ingredients will do miracles for your skin but you might not know what your skin will react badly to or how sensitive your skin might be. If you do have a hormonal breakout, it is a lot better to let your skin soak in the natural ingredient (like the ones in Simple product, and I'm not just saying that). Try using coconut oil instead of a very heavy cleanser, try aloe vera get instead of your acne cream, try a home-made face-mask... whatever flows your boat I don't judge. A lot of the time it is so much more fun to do some cool skin DIYs. At the end of the day, Cleopatra had awesome skin and I bet ya that none of those weird substances were invented back in her day!

Coconut oil is the secret ingredient in my skin-care routine!

3. Make-up free days!? Something that no girl wants to hear about when they're skin is feeling under the weather. But it's true, they help.. They help a lot! So, let your skin breath and it'll thank you later. Maybe find some awesome movies to watch throughout the day or just go to a park and read a book. This could also give you a boost of confidence and a confident person equals to a beautiful person. So embrace your flaws and let the haters hate <-- another cliché line? Great.
Work it naturally! I was going through a very good skincare moment there!

4. I make sure to use a gentle facial scrub 2-3 times a week to get rid of any dead skin cells. Be gentle though, this isn't a war! I also love using face masks once a week, and I know both of these might make no sense after me saying that you should keep try and keep it natural, but hey, you have to treat your skin once a week. If you aren't willing to try a home-made face-mask then why not buy one from the shop, they work great as well! Although, home-made once aren't hard to make either (if you want me to do a blog-post on some home-made face-mask recipes than tell me in the comments) and a lot of their time their better for the skin!

I always find myself  looking rather moody when having a face-mask on... Hmm..

There are many more tips I can give you but as for now, I hope this is enough… And remember, if all else fails, concealer will be your BFF! ;) 
Here's a concealer that I love using at the moment!

Have a wonderful day and I hope to see you all next time,


Monday 21 April 2014

Photography from Poland.♥

Hello Everyone!

Happy Easter Monday!

I really wanted to make a blog post today but I had no idea about what.. Then I figured out that I'd do a repetition of last year's blog post and show you my time in Poland. As some of you know, I went to Poland for 10 days during my Easter break. It was really fun because I spent a lot of time with the whole of my family which doesn't happen very often. I got to go back to my childhood home and see various places that my mum grew up in. Enough me, on to the pictures. All of them are taken in around the same areas - Torun and beyond.

Just a little hideaway behind the cathedral

The water's literally everywhere!

Victor being all happy

Just a little something something

An old building in Torun

A little, colourful, random street

Another building

And more

A little market place

Two frogs, one pigeon

Victor with the frog
Here's some more lakes
And more lakes
Guess what.. Yep more lakes

A little cute vintage restaurant
My grandma's so lucky to have this view from her window... Miss living there :(
That's it. I hope you all enjoyed this little blog post and tell me if you want me to do more photography blog posts since I find them really fun!


Monday 7 April 2014

What's New?


Yes, it is me again... So, I wanted to give you a little update on my life since I haven't been blogging for what feels like forever!

First of all, I uploaded 2 more videos since I last blogged.. So here they are:

The first video is about why I haven't uploaded and a little update.. Basically it is this blog post, so if you feel like you want to listen to my annoying voice instead of reading then you are more than welcome to! The second one is all about haircare and skincare products! It's a haul! So, go check it out if you are feeling fancy and nosey and are interested in any of the things I am currently using!

Now onto why I don't update you all so regularly:
I don't really know where to begin to be honest, I guess there's just been a lot of things happening in my life that I had to refrain from social media... I have been extremely busy and whenever I tend to have a bit of free time, I don't feel like just being on the computer.. I'd much rather spend those few free moments with my family and friends, going shopping or pampering so it's been really hard for me to keep up.. As you'd see, I haven't kept up with any of my social medias. Also, just as I thought that I could improve everything, my editing software broke down and I had to get a new one. 

This break doesn't mean that I'm going to stop making videos, it just means that it'll be hard for me for the next few months. Also, I am going to Poland on Wednesday so I won't be able to update you for some time. I hope you all understand this. 

If I am unable to make a blog post before Easter than I hope you all have an awesome Easter, and if you don't celebrate Easter, than have an awesome holiday. :)

As, for now,


Sunday 26 January 2014

2014 is here.. Well came here around 26 days ago haha! New year video!

Hello Everyone!

First of all, I wanted to thank you all for 70 subscriber as it means so much to me! I hope you all had an amazing new year and did something really fun. I've been off sick for the past week and was going in and out of hospitals but don't hate me for that... I hope to get back on track with my videos soon, however at the moment it has been a struggle since I've got so many things happening. I really cannot wait to spend 2014 with all of you and maybe get a chance to meet some of you. I hope we expand our little family and get to know each other better. You should never be scared to message me, email me or ask me questions on the comments of my videos as I am so happy to answer them for you and chit chat with you. This year I want to not only do beauty videos but also include some more fun ones like Q&A's or cooking!

Moving on from all of the cheesiness... I have recently posted a new video which was a 'New Year's Tag' I got tagged by a YouTube friend of mine, Veronica. Her channel is linked in my description box of the video so please check her out as she is very entertaining! 

I hope you enjoy the video,
