Monday 21 April 2014

Photography from Poland.♥

Hello Everyone!

Happy Easter Monday!

I really wanted to make a blog post today but I had no idea about what.. Then I figured out that I'd do a repetition of last year's blog post and show you my time in Poland. As some of you know, I went to Poland for 10 days during my Easter break. It was really fun because I spent a lot of time with the whole of my family which doesn't happen very often. I got to go back to my childhood home and see various places that my mum grew up in. Enough me, on to the pictures. All of them are taken in around the same areas - Torun and beyond.

Just a little hideaway behind the cathedral

The water's literally everywhere!

Victor being all happy

Just a little something something

An old building in Torun

A little, colourful, random street

Another building

And more

A little market place

Two frogs, one pigeon

Victor with the frog
Here's some more lakes
And more lakes
Guess what.. Yep more lakes

A little cute vintage restaurant
My grandma's so lucky to have this view from her window... Miss living there :(
That's it. I hope you all enjoyed this little blog post and tell me if you want me to do more photography blog posts since I find them really fun!


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