Welcome to a New Year!

I've also got into contact with a few more people in the YouTube community and made friends with some of the other girls on YouTube. I even made good friends with some of you, which makes me really happy as talking to you all is a pleasure!
Some of my favourite moments of 2014 were going to Italy to visit my dad as there was just something special about it and I felt very privileged to be able to spend my summer in such a beautiful place. I spent the summer with my closest family and it really made me happy. I also had a weekend away with my best friend in Brighton where we stayed in the hotel and had a view of the Brighton Eye. We spent most of the time at the beach and came back with really bad sunburns, but I guess that's all part of the fun! Make sure to wear suncream because that shall save you all from having to stay in bed for a few days in pain. It was a weekend that I won't forget as it was very special.
I ended the year on a positive note and on quite some good luck. My december was actually amazing and everything worked out the way I'd want it to so thank you to those who made this month special to me as I always see it as one of my most important time of the year with my birthday and Christmas and New Year's Eve. It was also the time of hard work, revision and many exams over the course of the first two weeks. Now it's just a waiting game to get my results at some time this month.

I think this is all I'd like to tell you about my year, I would love to know your highlights of the year and how you made this year memorable so please make sure to tell me below. As for 2015, I decided that I don't want New Year's resolution apart from taking life how it is given to me. I think a lot of the time we don't live to the fullest and we might take a day for granted, I don't want that happening this year. I want to have something to be happy about at the end of each day and be able to reflect positively on each month of the year. I want to stop being worried and scared about every decision, I just want to take it and make something good out of it. I don't want to end this year on a regret and on a 'What if...'
Is there anything that you would like to achieve this year, any goals? Tell me about them and make your deems a reality. I love you all and hope you all have an awesome heart!