Monday, 14 July 2014

How to keep your skin looking top tip during those dreadful teenage years?


So, we all know how hard it is to keep clear skin, especially during the teenage years... Oh those hormones :( However, there are some tips and tricks that I use to try to leave my skin looking as nice as possible;

1. It's so important to wash your face twice a day, morning and evening.. This is so that any sweat glands get away (especially in the summer season) and that nothing can clog up your ghastly pores! If you exercise a lot during your day (something I should do a lot more of), then feel free to wash your face more than twice (and tell me how you cope with exercise), however, avoid over-washing your face as that can lead to you stripping all the oils off your face (that might seem like a good thing for now, but you'll thank me later). You don't want to strip your face of its natural oils as it will result in your face wanting to produce more of those oils, therefore causing oilier, more acne-prone skin.

2. Keep it SIMPLE! <-- see what I did there (argh, cheesy). But seriously, it might seem like all those fun-sounding, long, hard-to-read ingredients will do miracles for your skin but you might not know what your skin will react badly to or how sensitive your skin might be. If you do have a hormonal breakout, it is a lot better to let your skin soak in the natural ingredient (like the ones in Simple product, and I'm not just saying that). Try using coconut oil instead of a very heavy cleanser, try aloe vera get instead of your acne cream, try a home-made face-mask... whatever flows your boat I don't judge. A lot of the time it is so much more fun to do some cool skin DIYs. At the end of the day, Cleopatra had awesome skin and I bet ya that none of those weird substances were invented back in her day!

Coconut oil is the secret ingredient in my skin-care routine!

3. Make-up free days!? Something that no girl wants to hear about when they're skin is feeling under the weather. But it's true, they help.. They help a lot! So, let your skin breath and it'll thank you later. Maybe find some awesome movies to watch throughout the day or just go to a park and read a book. This could also give you a boost of confidence and a confident person equals to a beautiful person. So embrace your flaws and let the haters hate <-- another cliché line? Great.
Work it naturally! I was going through a very good skincare moment there!

4. I make sure to use a gentle facial scrub 2-3 times a week to get rid of any dead skin cells. Be gentle though, this isn't a war! I also love using face masks once a week, and I know both of these might make no sense after me saying that you should keep try and keep it natural, but hey, you have to treat your skin once a week. If you aren't willing to try a home-made face-mask then why not buy one from the shop, they work great as well! Although, home-made once aren't hard to make either (if you want me to do a blog-post on some home-made face-mask recipes than tell me in the comments) and a lot of their time their better for the skin!

I always find myself  looking rather moody when having a face-mask on... Hmm..

There are many more tips I can give you but as for now, I hope this is enough… And remember, if all else fails, concealer will be your BFF! ;) 
Here's a concealer that I love using at the moment!

Have a wonderful day and I hope to see you all next time,
