Monday 22 September 2014

Meeting Alfie Deyes and getting my Pointless Book signed!


As many of you know, Alfie (PointlessBlog) has done a signing in London on Saturday. I was lucky enough to be able to attend and explore the whole thing! It was a very exciting experience for me as I've been watching him for three years and he meant a lot to me as I've seen him progress in his career. Here's a bit more about the day!

I was rearing to go as it was my first ever time that I was going to go to a book signing and meet a YouTuber. As I live 30 mins away from the venue, I decided to set my alarm to 7am (the meetup was meant to start at 12). I got dressed and ready and was out the door by 8. My nerves id get the better of me though and I got a massive belly-ache before going so I only ate a few chocolate fingers (bad idea).

When I arrived there, there was already quite a few people there, none-the-less, I was still super proud of myself for being there that early and being brave enough to attend by myself. I sat in the line next to two very nice girls and made quite good friends with them, we spoke the whole day talking. After arounf half-an-hour, the men at the venue told us to get up and sent us over to another hall where we got wristbands and got into groups of 50 (I got put into group 6 with the other two lovely ladies). We spent a long time chatting and doing different challenges from The Pointless Book. We also sneaked in a little trip to a burger company and got some fries.

At around 2pm, Alfie came out on stage and did a mini Q&A which was very exciting as I wasn't able to see him up close, apart from a few times when he'd show himself through a little window at the top and even gave us a sneaky preview of his nipple (TMI there?). He spent some time on stage which lowered my nerves slightly as I was more prepared to be put in a room with him.

However, when it was finally our turn (and 8hours of waiting has gone past), I was totally terrified and my anxiety was kicking in! I remember standing in the line and talking to the two girls and completely freaking out! What was I going to say? How was I going to act? Is it okay to cry? I felt my legs wobble as I made my way up the stairs. When I finally got there it seemed like everything went so fast and it literally just flew by. When Alfie spoke to me, I could hardly speak but I managed to mutter a few words under my breath. I also managed not to cry, although I did feel tears building up. When I got out of the room I wanted to cry even more but decided to keep it in until I got home (where I literally cried for 4 hours straight).

Yes, I'm an obsessive fan girl but I just felt so privileged and felt like I was a part of something. Being able to support someone is the best feeling in the world and seeing him happy, makes me happy. I know this is cliché but he genuinely changed my life and made me see things differently. I feel like I belong in this whole YouTube community, both as a YouTuber... But most importantly a supporter!

Did any of you ever go through massive fangirl moments? Tell me below!  