Monday 30 September 2013

September's at it's end.. September Favourites Video is up!


So it has been some time but I have now posted my next favourites video!! It is up now and I'm actually really looking forward to winter! These are some of my beauty favourites, fashion favourites and some other random favourites.. I hope you guys enjoy my video and subscribe! Please follow this blog for more updates! 

Love you all, Anna.xo

Monday 2 September 2013



Many of you have been wondering where have I gone. Well, I had already recorded a new video but there is a slight problem... My video doesn't want to transfer onto my computer. I am working on it day by day but nothing seems to be improving. I will be back into regular posting by next month.

I hope you guys aren't too mad at me because I love you all.

Thank you, Anna♥